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Email and SMS Marketing

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E-mail and Text Message Marketing can help
Mortgage Brokers increase their Revenues

Many mortgage brokers today use the power of e-mail and text message marketing to contact their clients in their database for several reasons. This includes:

  • Keeping them up to date on news and trends that could affect their mortgage or new home loan.
  • Making them aware of good deals that just came up.
  • Nurturing their existing clients with post-transaction follow-ups.
  • Scheduling appointments to discuss new home loans or refinancing existing loans.
  • Staying in front of prospective clients.

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Understanding how E-mail and Text Message Marketing work

As your digital marketing partner, Mortgage Broker can show you how to be more
cost-effective and efficient when using e-mail and text message marketing.

E-mail Marketing

Sending business or commercial messages to groups through e-mails is referred to as e-mail marketing. In the broadest sense of the term, any time you e-mail a current or prospective client, it could be considered a form of e-mail marketing. Mortgage Broker Marketing helps mortgage brokers by showing them how to use their e-mail to send out advertisements or solicit new business. We’ll help you at every step of the way to ensure that your business flourishes as in your success, is our success.

SMS Marketing

SMS (short message service) or text message marketing involves announcing current events or sending coupons, relevant information, and special deals via text messages. In the simplest of terms, it is a faster, easier, and more direct way to contact a client. Another form of text message marketing is MMS or multimedia message service and uses images and videos as well as texts over multiple media channels.

Benefits of E-mail and Text Message Marketing for Mortgage Brokers

There will always be skeptics who say e-mail marketing and text message marketing are a waste of time and money or ineffective. However, the reality is that numbers don’t lie, and if they’re done correctly, these powerful marketing tools will help you expand and grow your business. The following is a list of the benefits of e-mail marketing and text message marketing campaigns developed by

E-mail Marketing
  • It has a much broader and higher reach potential.
  • It’s extremely cost-effective and generates a high return on investment (an average $44.25 return on a $1 investment).
  • It’s not a matter of throwing everything you’ve got against the wall and something is going to stick (average “open rate” is 20% to 30% compared to 1% to 2% of direct mail campaigns).
  • People read e-mails that are engaging and interesting but not self-promoting.
  • Unlike traditional ads, e-mail marketing can be very conversational and engaging.
  • You can track e-mail marketing campaigns better than traditional advertising.
Text Message Marketing
  • It generates more leads with considerably less effort.
  • It makes it easier to complete more loan applications.
  • When used properly, you’ll close more deals quicker with text message marketing.
  • You’ll earn more reviews and generate more leads.
  • You’ll realize higher returns when sending out text promotions.

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